Who Lives in Your State?

The last 25 years has seen one of the greatest migration of peoples in the history of the world. Many of the people groups to whom we've been sending missionaries, now live right here in America.

U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2011 more than 40 million people living in the USA were foreign-born.

It is our prayer that learning what peoples have settled in your area will help you:

  * Develop a new awareness of immigrants living in your area, and become more intentional about getting to know them. How many languages are spoken in your area? Who works at local restaurants, universities and service businesses?

  * Encourage fellowship between churches for cross-cultural learning and fellowship.

  * Prayerfully ask God how He wants to bless the nations through you. Are there local people groups without a church for whom you can pray? What can your church do to help share the gospel or plant a church among them?

Learning who is here, and why they've come will be fascinating. God has brought us all together for a reason, and we don't want to miss His purposes!

The links in the sidebar are excellent tools to help you learn more about the people who live in your community.

And don't overlook your local schools when researching languages spoken in your area. Schools from elementary thru college often provide tutors to help recent immigrants strengthen their English and they may be a valuable source of information about local demographics.