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Tagalog Gospel Resources
A special welcome to all visitors of Tagalog heritage! This page contains
links to Bibles, stories and web sites written in Tagalog which tell about Jesus
and His love for the Filipino people.
Many followers of Jesus are praying that God will bless the Filipino people,
and some of the links on this page have information to help them learn more about the Tagalog language and culture.
Thank you for visiting. May the grace and peace of God be yours today!
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Close the new window to return to this page.
Tagalog Publications About Jesus
The Four Spiritual Laws explains God's plan of salvation in Tagalog.
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GotQuestions.org answers basic questions about Christianity in many languages including Tagalog. |
Tagalog Bibles
Online Bibles:
Tagalog Bibles to purchase:
(Your purchases from Amazon support our ministry. Thank you!)
From International Bible Society:
Tagalog New Testament/Psalms
from Amazon.com:
Mouseover the title for pricing info. Click on title for more information.
You can purchase a Tagalog New Testament in audio format from Faith Comes By Hearing.
Bibles in Your Language makes it easy to find audio, online and print Bibles in 250 languages.
Background Info on the Filipino People
Tagalog and English are the official languages of the Philippines. Most Filipinos speak English very well, but 24 percent of those aged 5 and older do not. About two-thirds are fluent in a language other than English. (Data source: "Marketing the Mainland to Manila," American Demographics.)
With 17 million speakers worldwide, Tagalog is number 59 on the SIL list of the Top 100 World Languages by Population.
About 1.4 million Filipinos were living in the U.S. in 1990, the second-largest Asian subgroup in the U.S., after Chinese. They are 19 percent of the Asian-American population.
According to the 1990 U.S. Census, 843,251 people in the U.S. speak Tagalog, making Tagalog number 6 on the list of the 50 Languages with Greatest Number of Speakers in the U.S.
The Christian & Missionary Alliance has prayer profiles on the following people groups:
B'laan (population: 300,000), Cebu (950,000), Lubuagan & Kalinga (40,000), Samal (300,000), Tausug (900,000), Tboli (90,000), Tiruray (40,000) and Yakan (150,000).
Information for Churches
Perhaps you've noticed that several families who speak Tagalog have moved into your community. Your church would like to get acquainted with them and find ways to serve your new neighbors. But how can you begin?
Begin by cultivating a loving heart, a listening ear, and the habit of prayer. Look for opportunities to learn about other cultures and develop skills for cross-cultural communication. There are lots of resources on this site, including the article "How to Start a Cross-Cultural Ministry," that can help you prepare to move forward in faith.
The Jesus Film is a great way to share the gospel in the "heart language" of your Tagalog neighbors. Campus Crusade for Christ has produced this beautiful film of the gospel of Luke and translated it into over 600 languages, including Tagalog. Your church can buy a video for less than $20 and sponsor a "Filipino Night" to show the film and begin a dialogue. Ask Filipino leaders in the community if they would like to see the film and if they'll help you invite other families.
To order the Jesus Film, visit Jesusfilm.org. Or order by phone from Campus Crusade at 1-800-432-1997.
![](../../graphics/goodshep.gif) The International School of Ministry offers affordable bible training in Tagalog . Their course in structured, taught by interdenominational Christian leaders, and available on audio tapes so your church can become a training center.
ChristianAnswers.Net offers gospel coloring pages for kids in Tagalog.
Learn the Language
If you want to honor your Filipino friends, learn a few phrases in their language.
These are some of the top-selling Tagalog language books at Amazon.com:
Recommended Reading
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Pursuing the Pearl: A Comprehensive Resource for Multi-Asian Ministry
by Ken Uyeda Fong
Judson Press, 1999
Provides practical information on current topics, including:
- Asian American Church Growth
- The Theology of Evangelism
- Equipping Believers
- Lay Ministry
- Spiritual Renewal
- The Role of Women
- New Church Missions
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Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents: Asian American Discipleship
by Jeanette Yep, Peter Cha, Paul Tokunaga, Greg Jao, Susan Cho Van Riesen
Intervarsity Press, 1998
Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents was written by Asian-Americans who used examples from their own lives to illustrate concepts.
The authors explore how young Asian Americans can make vocational and life choices that show respect for their parents while still serving God, and it deals with crucial topics like marriage and singleness, gender issues, racial reconciliation, and the unique gifts Asians bring to Western culture. |
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Losing Face & Finding Grace : 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans
by Tom Lin, David K. Gibbons (Introduction)
Intervarsity Press, 1997
No reader reviews
Here are a dozen inductive Bible studies written especially for young Asian-Americans who sometimes struggle with identity and questions of grace. These sensitive studies point to hope embedded in Scripture. |
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