What's New Archives - 2004
Here's What's New for the Week of December 26, 2004!
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We've updated our Who Lives in Your State section with free demographics from the 2000 Census. You can look up information based on your zip code, to help you plan more effective ministry outreach.
You can also download a free 12-page report from the US Census Bureau with lots of interesting facts about the Foreign Born Population. (The report is in pdf format, so reading it requires Adobe Reader.) The file is 472k, which is fairly large and takes a few minutes to download.
Week of November 7, 2004
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Do you know someone who is blind or losing their sight? Tape Ministries NW is a free lending library of Christian books on tape for the blind and disabled. They mail tapes to patrons anywhere in the USA or Canada. (All books are in English.) Visit their site for more information. |
Week of August 15, 2004
ChildrenSermons.com offers 136 free 5-minute children¹s sermons. Los sermones para niños en español también.
We've added the two links above to our page of Multicultural and Missions Resources for Children.
There's an online Bilingual English/Japanese Bible at biblejapanese.com
Week of June 27, 2004
Someone asked this week if we knew any books to help children learn foreign languages.
We did some research and found books to help kids learn Arabic, English, French, German,
Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian.
We also found several interesting books to add to our page of multicultural books for kids, to help kids learn about their world.
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Songs From Around the World : Sing along with authentic songs from Spain, Latin America, France, Italy, Germany, United States, and England by Berlitz Kids Berlitz Guides, 1999 Paperback and cassette |
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Let's Make Music!: Multicultural Songs and Activities: An Interactive Musical Trip Around the World by Jessica Baron Turner Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, 1995 Paperback and CD |
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The Usborne Book of Peoples of the World: Internet-Linked by Gillian Doherty, Anna Claybourne, Felicity Brooks Usborne Books, 2001 |
Week of May 24, 2004
Here are some of the newest books exploring the faith of African American Christians:
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This Far by Faith : Stories from the African American Religious Experience by Juan Williams Amistad Press, 2004
A companion to the PBS series, This Far by Faith is the story of how religious faith inspired the U.S. Civil Rights movement.
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It's Not About You--It's About God by Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo Intervarsity Press, 2004
Popular conference speaker and author, Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo challenges women, especially "strong black women," to get God's perspective on life.
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Spirits That Dwell in Deep Woods: The Prayer and Praise Hymns of the Black Religious Experience by Wyatt Tee Walker GIA Publications, 2004
Wyatt Tee Walker, senior minister of the Canaan Baptist Church of Christ in New York's Harlem community, examines 24 hymns written by the children of former slaves between 1885 and 1925.
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Living Stones in the Household of God: The Legacy and Future of Black Theology by Linda E. Thomas (editor) Fortress Press, 2004
In this volume, sixteen theologians assess the impact and import of black theology and the new challenges presented by today’s intellectual, social, religious, and geopolitical situation.
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Reclaiming the Spirituals: New Possiblities for African-American Christian Education by Yolanda Y. Smith Pilgrim Press, 2004
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On Being Black and Reformed: A New Perspective on the African-American Christian Experience by Anthony J. Carter P & R Press, 2003
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African-American Experience in World Mission: A Call Beyond Community edited by Vaughn J. Walston and Robert J. Stevens Gabriel Resources, 2003
This collection of articles includes unique cultural experiences by African-Americans working to fulfill the Great Commission.
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Mary Had a Baby: A Bible Study Based on African American Spirituals: Leader by Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan Abingdon Press, 2003
Four lessons for Advent, based on African-American hymns. Editions include one for the Leader and one for Students.
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African American Preaching: The Contribution of Dr. Gardner C. Taylor by Gerald Lamont Thomas Peter Lang Publishing, 2004
Part of a series by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Studies in Religion, Culture, and Social Development.
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An End to This Strife: The Politics of Gender in African American Churches by Demetrius K. Williams Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2004
Demetrius K. Williams argues that taking the New Testament and particularly Galatians 3:28 seriously should lead black churches to challenge sexism and racism not only in society at large but also in African American churches.
Week of April 19, 2004
The Mongolian New Testament and Genesis are now online! You will need to download the font.
The Lord¹s Prayer is available online in over 1,200 languages and dialects at the web site of the Convent of Pater Noster.
John 3:16 is online in many languages at http://www.sweb.cz/ls78/john316.htm.
The wonderful painting below is "The Last Supper with the Twelve Tribes" by Hyatt Moore, used here with permission.
The painting celebrates Revelation 5:9, showing Jesus with individuals "From every tribe and language and people and nation". The peoples depicted (from left) are: Crow of Montana, Berber of North Africa, Masai of Kenya, China, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Jesus, Ethiopia, Tzeltal of Mexico, Canela of Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Salish of British Columbia, Mongolia.
You can buy posters and see more of Hyatt's work at his web site www.hyattmore.com or in his recent book.
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In the Image of God: Faces and Souls That Reflect Their Creator by Hyatt Moore Wycliffe Bible Translators, 2001
This beautiful book features 148 pages of paintings by Hyatt Moore and his wife Anne, as well as 50 other artists. Also features meditations on what it is to be created in the image of the one who created all.
Week of March 28, 2004
The Upper Room daily devotional guide is available online in Chinese, English,
Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai.
Or a printed copy can be mailed to your home in one of 24 languages, for $20 a year.
Here are some of the most recent books published on multicultural ministry:
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Multicultural Ministry: Finding Your Church's Unique Rhythm by David Anderson Zondervan, April 2004 |
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O Lord, Hold Our Hands: How a Church Thrives in Multicultural World by Gibson Stroupe, Nibs Stroupe, Caroline Leach Westminster John Knox Press, 2003
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One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches by George A. Yancey Intervarsity Press, 2003 |
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Partners in the Mighty Works of God: A Manual for Non-Hispanic Churches in Ministry With Hispanics by Jo Harris, Russ Harris Discipleship Resources, 2003 |
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There's More Than One Color in the Pew: A Handbook for Multicultural, Multiracial Churches by Tony Mathews Smyth & Helwys Pub, 2003 |
Week of January 4, 2004
Our Russian Gospel Resources page is now available in both English and Russian (Материалы по евангелизму на русском языке)
thanks to translator Olen'ka S. Nakka.
We added several books to our page of Latino Gospel Resources.
Recent university research on multicultural churches in America is summarized in these articles:
- Multiracial Congregations Project, by Michael Emerson, Associate Professor, Rice University Department of Sociology. Funded by the Lilly Endowment, this study looks at multiracial congregations (congregations where no one racial group is more than 80% of the people).
- Multiracial congregations in America: "Looking for a more realistic picture of what
the world looks like", by Elfriede Wedam, University of Illinois at Chicago.
A list of Presbyterian Chinese churches in Canada is online at http://www.chinesechurches.org.
I'm also happy to report that we've nearly completed our year-end update of the links on Ethnic Harvest. Its a big job to keep current with the 10,000+ links on our site! Please let us know if you find broken links or know of other resources we should add.
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